Project 365 and Crafty Blog: go here.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Jen posted this to me:
Oh and just to thank you for your complete and unparalleled awesomness, I'm tagging you for a meme. Heh.
Pick up the nearest book.
Turn to page 123.
Post the 5th sentence.
Tag 5 other people

I'm lame and don't have 5 other bloggy friends to post to, but I'm going to uphold my side of the deal and post.

From the WW cookbook, because I'm lame about books right now:
With a slotted spoon, transfer to a paper towel; discard the liquid. (Corn & Bacon Chowder recipe)

1 comment:

jennyonthespot said...

The great thing about this meme is what you'll find on p.123, sentence 5 - that was funny :)