The past week and a half have been a whirl wind of crap. Some good, some bad, some just awful, and some just crap.
As most know, especially if you are reading this on
Facebook and not on my actual blog, Ty had to have hand surgery on the 9
th. He has a trigger thumb, where his thumb won't straighten out, and they went in and released the squeezed tendon/ligament. This has been a very trying time.
And again, if you've read
FB or seen me at soccer/school/store, you've heard.
I'm still waiting for his kid to re-emerge...
with a fully functioning hand. I'm fairly confident the surgery did what it was supposed to, but trying to convince the 4 year old to move things around has been a challenge. We've had bandage issues that caused pain. Now he's freaked out that anything to do with it will hurt. What's worse is that since last Thurs, 16
th, he's had his hand balled up into a fist to protect it. This has made for stiff fingers and a stuck thumb.
Moving on, he has had some fun the last week. The boys dumped out their dress up box and
proceeded to put on most everything they owned.
Hmm, his thumb almost looks better there, wishing we didn't have to take the big bandage off when we did...
PTA has kicked into gear this past week. We had our first general meeting, and even had a decent turnout. My job this year is fundraising, so I've been on the phone and meeting with people to get our first things going. Most of this has been done by the seat of my pants without much guidance and in the end I'm praying I haven't missed some big, important step.
Mon morning I met with a person about a reusable bag and bottle fundraiser we are going to do along side our cookie dough in Oct. After the meeting I'm hoping that we can actually pull it all off. They have only done this at one other school, so she's taking suggestions, and if I have ways to make it go smoother to please pass those along. I also met the head of the PTA at the other school that they piloted at last year, I only thought I was involved. So we will see....
Internet connection likes to flicker in and out, mostly because of the wireless router we have. It's so
freakin' frustrating, especially when watching
Nexflix on the
Wii and it has to keep reloading every 15 min. Someday new computers and equipment will come to our house, someday...
Cody played his first regular season soccer game on Sat. They did lose 4-1, but he played well. He's getting a bit more aggressive as the time goes and hopefully he'll start to see the field better throughout the season so he can judge where he needs to go to help out.
I took my camera, and intended to shoot some pictures, but only took 2.
I'm already "that mom" that yells, didn't want to be the one standing right on the side line as well.
I keep thinking that coaching would be a good place for me, until I have to help out and deal with the attitudes. You know, those same attitudes that made me decided not to ever work in Cody's class again last year. Only this year they are bigger, and mouthier, and they are just little turds.
Maybe if I start with Ty next year, it won't be so bad....
Finally was able to get a bit crafty this past week as well. The membership coordinator for PTA needed help putting together a bulletin board to show how many members we have and so that the kids could find their names if their parents are members. She had a paper punch that kinda looked like a flame, so that was the starting point.
This is what we came up with...
My dragon, forgot that drawing cartoons is kinda fun!
I'm also getting ready to take the plunge into crafty seller. Cody's school his having a craft and vendor fair in Nov, with a cheap $20 buy in. So I'm going for it, starting off with reusable produce bags, juice pouch bags and ribbon sweaty bands. I may add more, but have to get what I have now down first.
This week isn't as busy with meetings and such, just the normal school and soccer. Thanks to
Gramma, we are adding a weekly soccer class for Tyler that starts this Thurs, he's way excited.