While #1 was in preschool today I went to JC Penney's to find a top to wear to the banquet Sat night. Knowing I had an okay pair of pants to wear I searched high and low. I found some nice things, think the flowy tops the Housewives of OC wear, but my pants were a little too short for my "fancy shoes" so I found some nice slacks on sale. Yay, found things to wear. Damn it, they are still the wrong size. Now don't get me wrong, they fit, but I can't stand the numbers on the tags. My shirt is an XL (at least it was from the Jr.s section) and the pants are a 16. I should be grateful that I'm not still a large size 20, but I've been a 16 since the end of May. You would think after all the hours I've busted my ass in the gym, my ass would be smaller. UGH!
Yes, my name is Mommy, I'm sitting right here, what do you want!:
#2 has decided if he's frustrated, hungry, mad, sad, happy, bored, whatever he is going to yell "mommy" in a panicked, semi loud voice. Over and over and over. Then if he thinks he wants something he'll say "peas" I love him, but he yelled at me all day and I'm tired and glad he's in bed!
"The Tunnel"
#2 received a crawling tunnel for Xmas, the kind that folds up flat. It's been our rainy day saviour! We pulled it out this afternoon for some relief from the afternoon boredoms.
Shower time:
After an evening of "Mommy!" I finally decided to throw he boys in the shower, it's a calming thing and everyone loves it. #2 will stand under the the water, letting it pour down over him, with his hands in the air, and his belly sticking out. It's very funny and the pictures don't really do it justice, but here they are non the less.
Huge Generosity:
Our neighbors came by about a week ago and said they had a bunk bed that they were getting rid of, said we could have the set. So we said sure, and expected it to be a straight forward stacked set. Instead the they gave us this:

We are very excited. It takes up pretty much his whole room, but that's not hard at our house. As you can see there is a desk on one side with drawers, and shelves and drawers on the other end. This was a style that we thought we might look into in a few year, when the boys are older and could share a room again. I promptly decorated it with the hot rod stickers #1 received for Christmas that I haven't taken the time to put up yet, they are the removable wall stickers.
Along with these on the bed, he also now has large "Cars" stickers and sticker posters on his walls. It's nice to have something else checked off the to-do list.
We are off for Vegas tomorrow night, yippee.
That bunk bed is awesome! I want neighbors like that....mine just leave trash on the sidewalk for us to pick up. Not really the same....
Bitchin' bunk bed!!!
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