Eggs (5), sausage (2) w/1 slice of toast (2) & oj (1) & green tea (0)
bottle of water (0)
bowl Veggie soup (1) w/1 slice of toast (2) & milk (2)
box of Nerds (3) (bad grocery lady thought they were mine, couldn't let them go to waste!)
100 cal. Doritos (2) & 1 can Fresca (0)
Steak (7), 1/4 cup of potatoes (2), 1/4 c of Mac/Cheese (3) & Tea (0)
Cookies (10) blah!
water (0)
Exercise: Nothing formal today
The haps...

So I had a very uneventful New Year's Eve. We ate dinner, put the boys to bed and DH went to a party hosted by friend from work. I had a nice quite evening, watched some South Park, played on the computer and went to bed right before 12. I watched them drop the ball and of I went to sleep. LAME! Gotta love the family life.
Today was spent taking down the Xmas lights outside, with the impending yucky weather, I don't want them up for another 2 weeks & I'm not doing it in the rain. I'm not ready to take everything down inside, but soon. It make the house look so much more cheery, it will be so bland when it's all gone.

Other than that it was lots of laundry and lounging today. I'm feeling the effects of little caffeine, ending up with a headache and the jitters. Ugh. Tomorrow I plan to start the new workout, wish me luck, it's going to suck for the first few weeks!
Love the train table! I need to learn all of these little things to add to my blog that you have. I am a beginner!
Okay, the train table is the real deal. As if your house wasn't already a popular destination!
Rich and Judy went in on that, found it on CL for $50! I helped him clean it up, added the Thomas stickers and we were in business.
Yep one of the big hits this year.
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