Congratulations are in order! My laundry is out of the dryer, all 5 loads, and it's all folded and put away. DH can put his own stuff away because he always ends up moving it anyway, but it's also nicely folded on the bed. I was also able to find the top of my desk and sort through some other crap that landed on the table. Dishes are washed, but still need to be unloaded, dinner is done and we are all just chillin'. It's a nice feeling to have done something today, not just sit and veg around the computer & TV. I also have every intention on tackling my Scrapbook mess after the boys are in bed. The only "bad" thing about getting new bags and caddies, I have to go through and fill them up!
So that's been our day today, no great revelations have been made, but we made it through. Well almost, there's still about 45 min before #2 hits the sack.

Speaking of #2, here are the battle scars from last night. Looks like a victim from Nip/Tuck a few seasons ago. Between that and his eczema flaring all over his face, he's not looking real great these days
I will go to the gym tomorrow, I will go to the gym tomorrow, I will go to the gym tomorrow.
The news totally got Noah hyped up for a huge storm. He was checking around for flashlights, of course none had batteries, and for candles. Then he saw people on the news shoveling snow and he wanted to make sure we had all the equiptment. I told him that if it snowed here we wouldn't be shoveling it- we would be playing in it!
That's cute, sounds like something he would do.
It looks like we have a respectable storm here. Very cool.
And congratulations! I wish I had your initiative.
Our power has been flickering all morning, so we'll see. Keith told me not to go anywhere today, so that's going to be fun!
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