Project 365 and Crafty Blog: go here.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Christmas is coming......

Okay, so there's like 82ish days until the holiday arrives, but that's not a lot of time when you've decided to get crafty!
So I've been feverishly buy up fabric and supplies to get my projects going, and am proud to say that while watching the tube last night I sat and cut out some pieces that should get sewn today! IF I can be a good little crafter and get them done, it's 4 projects off my list. Yay me, it's a start.

In other funnies....
Go here to read about stupid laws on the books in AZ, totally non-relative to any of our real lives, but funny all the same.

Then there was making dinner last night....
The boys like to get their little chairs and stand next to me while I cook, asking questions, sneaking in a stir here and there. We were making a boxed Macaroni Grill Pesto Pasta last night.
First we put the noodles to boil, Cody says "Mmmm, I like noodles!" Cool, maybe he'll eat dinner tonight.
Then we chunk the chicken and saute it in a little butter, "Mmmm, chicken" from the peanut gallery.
Then I add the milk and spices. "What's that?" he asks. "Yummy seasons," I say back. "Hmmm, it smells good!?!" he replies. Okay so we are still in track.
Then we add the cream sauce, "What's that?" he asks worriedly. "Cheese" I respond. "Hmm" he says back, not so sure. I'm not sure what it is either, just a creamy base.
Then we are to add the sun dried tomatoes. "What is that?" he says like a 13 yo girl.
"Italian, dried, chopped pepperoni," I lie back to him.
"Oh, I love pepperoni!" he says.
So yes, the shameless lies were applied to dinner last night in hope that they might actually try something new. They each had a bite and walked away. I'm guessing pesto sauce is not there thing, but Keith and I LOVE this new meal. So back to the drawing board for the boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was some quick thinking. Pepperoni, indeed.