And my little bow-legged boy. Poor kid, I hope he grows out of this. It's not worse or better than ever before so we'll see. He's grumpy because we are not out on bikes anymore, it was time to come inside. And his revolving face owey has moved to his chin, not sure what happened, it appeared at G-ma's this am. He didn't complain when it happened, so who knows. Typical boy!
Here's what my project of the month is:
Making the boys t-shirts. I've found some super cute and cheap scrap fabrics, so I'm running with it. They are unique and it's fun to know that I made it. So we'll see what else becomes of if, I have lots of plans, now I just need to finish them!
This past weekend Cody and I went to a Birthday party for a preschool friend. It was fun for him, getting to see his friends on the weekend, and there was cake involved. I had a decent time, but was uncomfortable the whole time there. They live in a different world, much higher tax bracket, and way different luxuries. The house was beautiful and large and like a mansion to me. See:
Gated drive, a buzzillian steps to the front door, and huge!
But as uncomfortable as I was, I had to chill for Cody. So like I said, he had a good time.

So wish me luck, the drop off for the JBF sale is tomorrow. I'm going with both boys in tow, I'm hoping it will go quickly and that they be in good moods. I'm not supposed to go until about 4, but will probably throw that down the tubes and go earlier, the nice thing with kids is that you can always have a "babysitter issue" come up.
I used to feel that way about friends with big houses and money stuff too b/c Matt and I started the family raising adventure younger than most. But now I realize that everyone is given just what they need and people are blessed in different ways. Don’t roll your eyes! It’s true!
It's funny because as lovely as their house is, I wouldn't want it. The thing I want that Maria has, is the ability to do things, buy things when needed or for fun, buy a fancy cake on the day before the party without thinking about it. Everything we do is stressed, planned, and we usually shouldn't do it, but we do anyway.
I've lived this way since I stupidly moved out of my parent's house the 1st time at 18, it's gettin old.
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