A couple of weeks ago at preschool they made necklaces. They are colorful, he made it so he loves it, and he's actually received compliments on it. But as mentioned below, as soon as water hits it, it bleeds. They are simply made from food coloring dyed noodles, you can't expect much. So when we were out the other day we stopped into Michael's and found some "boyish" beads so we could make him another necklace that hopefully won't bleed. We found a huge box of mixed colors and shaped wooden beads, along with some animal shaped ones for highlights (they are a little Asian inspired). So tonight we were able to put them together. He had fun and loves his new necklace, I'll have to get a picture of him wearing it. He seamed proud to have made it and was excited to try it on. I also made one for Ty because he's been so interested in Cody's bleeding necklace. It's similar, but because Cody's is a little longer so spacing beads are different. Here's Ty's necklace:

I'm hoping that with allowing them to do things that are stereotyped as "girl" things that they will be well rounded individuals as they grow up. It's funny because it's drilled into your head that boys should play with certain things and girls should play with other things. Cody loves to play dress up at school, occasionally putting on a dress because that's pretty much all that's there. We go to houses with girls and he plays along side them with their beads and doll houses. He also has a baby doll, Tyler is amazed with babies right now, so he also plays with Cody's doll, at least when he's not looking! Cody loves to cook and hopefully as he gets older we can get him into some kids classes so that he can explore it. But as boys, they love their trains/cars/planes, dirt and bikes. Well rounded I hope.
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