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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fieldtrip to the Library....

 Tuesday Tyler's class had their first field trip of the year, a visit to the library for story time then a picnic at the park.  We love going to the library, so this was one we both enjoyed. 

Ms. Stephanie is a great story teller.
 The Hungary Caterpillar on the felt board.
 Popcorn kernels...
 then they popped! 

We also had Ty's official post-op appointment that afternoon.  Although his incision is healing nicely, his thumb isn't.  Mostly it is all do to fear of the unknown on the Ty's part, fear it might hurt if it's moved.  So he's been protecting it for the last week and a half, curled up and now it won't move.  He was fitted with a custom brace that puts his thumb out into a straight position.  We are to take it off at night and a couple of times a day so we can work on movement.  In the last day and a half we've had it, I can see where it's starting to straighten things out a bit.  Depending on his progress over the next two weeks, we may or may not be heading to physical therapy. 
Needless to say, the simple cut and release has not been our case at all. 

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