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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More Boise and Wedding fun.

Thursday afternoon we were able to meet up with some of our friends at the park. Such a cool park, the pictures do not do it justice! It had a huge playground with all kinds of things to climb on, neat teeter-totters, swings, water park for the summer, 2 covered picnic shelters, a path all around and huge fields behind it. So cool.

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Apr-16 10:56

That same afternoon we headed up to Donnelly for the weekend. This is the house/cabin we were staying at and where the wedding was. It's 3 levels, has 5 big bedrooms, lots of TVs and media areas, large kitchen, nice dining, huge garage and lots of space around to play.

A couple of wedding photos, more to come at a later date.
We headed down the mountain Sunday and met up with friends again for a great visit, then went to back to the big park for a short stay. Monday we headed for home. They have part of our normal route down 80 closed off, so we ventured around towards Tahoe instead. Such a beautiful drive! We had to stop and stretch our legs and look at scenes like these...

We had a really good trip and will hopefully be back up in June, Payette Festival!

I can say that am not ready for the 90 degree day we are having at home today, going to be a rough summer.

1 comment:

Ramona said...

Uh, I don't call that a "cabin". Great pictures! If my memory serves me correctly, your brother got married, right? Looks like you had a good time. See you tomorrow!