Happy Birthday to Jen!

Mmm, Cake....
I love it when birthdays roll around and I'm able to do something for someone I love. I know that Jen is currently working on getting a garden going, so I wanted to contribute by making her some name stakes. They turned out cute and I hope she loves them.
The backs:
The fronts: The brown paper slides out so you can write the vegetable or fruit on it.

So that was my weekend project! I need to do more projects, or just finish all the ones sitting in the drawer.
I DO love them! SO SO Much! Thank you for saving what might have been the most suck-tastic birthday ever!
Oh and just to thank you for your complete and unparalleled awesomness, I'm tagging you for a meme. Heh.
Pick up the nearest book.
Turn to page 123.
Post the 5th sentence.
Tag 5 other people
You don't have to tag other people, but if you tag me back, I will participate. And not tag you again. 'Cause have I said lately, You rock?
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