As I walked out of my bedroom this morning, Cody comes running up to me, "Mom come look at the bear we got for you!" That's a nice way to wake up!
It was funny last night because I had a preschool meeting and didn't get home until around 9. I asked Cody, "What are you still doing up?" He said, "We went to get a card for you!" Oops, sorry I asked! But no bear was mentioned, so he didn't spill all the beans.
So after opening my cards I dug out the boy's Valentine's. First they opened the ones I had found them, a little monkey and a book. Cody said, "It's the monkey I've always wanted! Oh, and look, a Dora and Boots book!" Tyler looked at me with his "Oh!" face.
From there we opened the Valentines from Gma & Gpa D. He got a little giggle out of the "Valentineasouraus" in the card. Then opened two more books, "Wow Mom, Cars! It's the book I've been wanting!" He thumbed through and showed me many of the pictures, "cool" and "I have that car" and "look at the race!" So needless to say it was a huge hit.
Tyler opened his card and smiled. Then saw the Thomas book and said "Choo-Choo!" He flipped through his books giving lots of curious looks and "ohs" and pretended to read.
Today was a school day, so off we went after breakfast. Ty loves to play outside with the big kids, so to avoid the crying and going to the ground like a wet noodle, we play until Teacher rings the bell to come inside. After she rings the bell, I walk him to the outside circle and we sing the welcome song, figure out what the weather is for the day, then inside into small groups for a project. From this point Ty is okay with leaving and off we go.
They handed out Valentines at school, Cody was way excited about this. They made bags for their Valentines last week, so it's been on his mind for a while. We gave his teacher a potted Violet plant, she thought that was nice and I figured it would be nice for her to not get candy. Cody's Valentines were small puzzles in boxes, he loves to do puzzles right now, so it's nice to share something he's into.
We came back to pick up Cody early so we could see the Valentine celebration, and so Uncle Tim could see school, and so Ty could play outside some more!
I was lucky enough to be standing there when Teacher decided it was time to pass out the Valentines, so I was recruited and helped about 5 kids with theirs. It was a smooth process, all the bags were set around a table and we started on one corner and went around the table dropping them in. Of course the most important thing to each kid was "where's mine?" So we would find it and get excited at all the neat things inside.
After all the Valentine's were handed out, the kids came in to see the calendar and to hand out Clifford. At the end of story time Teacher passed out the bags as she said goodbye.
Once we were home, we opened all the Valentines one by one, reading the goofy cards and seeing what's inside. Everything was really fun; suckers, a cookie, pencils, tattoos and Cody's puzzle. This was his first time getting to do the exchange at school, so hopefully they will continue the tradition for years to come.
Other than that, nothing else spectacular to report for Valentine's day. I made some chocolate lava cupcakes and we had dinner. Instead of going to Panda and getting good orange chicken and rice, I went to the Kwik Wok at Raley's. Bad Idea! It was awful and tasted funny! Next time I will call DH to stop and get what I'm actually craving, not the imitation.
So, Happy Valentine's Day!